Frequently asked questions

The answers to the most frequently asked questions

General questions

When will the new EPM Club ranks be available?

The new EPM Club ranks have been available exclusively from our online shop since 2024-03-27.

Each rank is valid for one year from the date of joining.

EPM Adventure Resort is a fan-run project run by enthusiasts who want to share their passion for amusement parks and Minecraft. In order to provide you with the best possible experience, we rent high-performance computer servers, domain names and various services that are billed to our account. In order to finance our infrastructure management costs, the donations received through our EPM Club offer are the ideal solution.

Purchase process

Where can I buy an EPM Club rank, if it is sold out in the EPM Resort online shop?

The EPM Club is an exclusive offer and available in a limited capacity. If demand is high, the EPM Club may sell out.

If the EPM Club is not available in the EPM Online Shop, it means that there are currently no further EPM Club available. The EPM Club cannot be bought on Minecraft server, or via our Discord server or email, as long as it is sold out in the online shop.

As soon as it becomes available again, the sales channels will be re-opened. We recommend visiting our EPM Online Shop regularly in order to stay up to date.

If the EPM Club rank is not available in the EPM Online Shop, it means that there are currently no further EPM Club available. The EPM Club rank cannot be bought on Minecraft server, or via our Discord server or email, as long as it is sold out in the online shop. To support our project, you can send money via our profile. We thank you for your understanding that we cannot make any exceptions in this case. As soon as it becomes available again, the sales channels will be re-opened. We recommend visiting our EPM Online Shop regularly in order to stay up to date.

Generally, EPM Club holders have the opportunity to extend their EPM Club rank even if the EPM Club is currently sold out.

The EPM Club will not be extended automatically.

Please understand that we cannot communicate a fixed date for when the EPM Club rank will be available again. The EPM Club is an exclusive offer and available in a limited capacity. If demand is high, the EPM Club may sell out.

As soon as it becomes available again, the sales channels will be re-opened. We recommend visiting our EPM Online Shop regularly in order to stay up to date.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer an alternative to the EPM Club.

To make a donation to the project, you can send money via our PayPal account..

The EPM Club is an exclusive offer and available in a limited capacity. Therefore, it may occasionnally sell out.

We recommend visiting our EPM Online Shop regularly in order to stay up to date.

If you have purchased a EPM Club Silver, an upgrade to the EPM Club Gold is currently not possible in the current year of validity. However, you can upgrade a former VIP+ or EPM Club Premium rank to the new EPM Club offer. You can also convert an EPM Club to EPM Club Silver using a loyalty code.

Due to the elements of personalisation (Minecraft nickname), the EPM Club cannot be given as a gift. Please not that the stored personal data at the time of purchase cannot be changed afterwards. A later transfer to other player is also not possible.

If you encounter any difficulties in the purchase process, please contact our customer service department on our Discord support.

The use of a payment method other than PayPal is not currently possible.

It is possible to use a bank card without first activating a PayPal account.

The EPM Club can also be purchased during the EPM low season, provided that clubcard are still available at that time. Please note, however, that during the low season, occasional technical maintenance may be scheduled. These will of course be announced in advance on our Discord server and our website.

If you received an error message during the purchase, please contact us by email at In order to process your inquiry quickly, a description of the error and some screen shots will be helpful. Our customer service team is also available on our Support Discord.
If your personal data (i.e. name, address) change, please contact us by email at The Minecraft nicknames as well as other personal infos can only be changed on our Discord support. Please note that you will need to present proof of payment to be able to make changes. If you have any further questions, please contact us via email at
If you haven’t received a confirmation email after your order, please contact us by email at We are also available on our Support Discord for any further information.
The previous rank ‘VIP, VIP+, EPM Club, EPM Club Premium’ will no longer be offered. VIP ranks that are still valid can still be used until the end of their term. It is not possible to convert to a EPM Club. If the holder wishes, they can be converted to the new offer by means of a loyalty code.

Extension and Re-activation

How do I extend my EPM Club?

You can easily extend your EPM Club on our online shop, before it expires. The new validity period will begin seamlessly.

Holders of a EPM Club Gold can choose between a EPM Club Silver or EPM Club Gold when extending their current rank, independently of current availability.

Upgrading from a EPM Club Silver to EPM Club Gold is possible only subject to availability. If the EPM Club Gold is unavailable at the time of extension, you will not be able to upgrade.

You can see the current available of EPM Club ranks in the EPM Online Shop.

It is not currently possible to define a start date for the validity period. The period of validity is defined when the grade is purchased and is for a period of one year.

You can extend or reactivate your EPM Club online.
The extension or reactivation cannot be carried out automatically.

Unused exclusive benefits cannot be transfered to the new validity period.

If there is no availability of the EPM Club Silver or Gold, re-activating is currently not possible.

You can try to re-activate your EPM Club rank at a later time, as soon as they are available again.

It is not currently possible to set a validity date for the purchase or reactivation of an EPM Club rank. The validity period is defined at the time of purchase for a period of one year.

If you want to change your Minecraft name or nickname, please open a ticket on our Discord support.

A EPM Club is generally valid for 1 year.

If you bought your EPM Club on 01-04-2022, you can use all the services and benefits of your EPM Club up to and including 01-04-2023.

As 2024 is a leap year, the start and end dates of your EPM Club rank are not identical to the previous validity period. But even in a leap year, you can experience the great world of the EPM Adventure Resort for 366 days.

The EPM Club is a personalised product and therefore non-transferable.

If there is a change of name, or if you notice a typo in your Minecraft nickname, you can contact us on our Discord support.

In this case, you do not need to take any action.

After the end date of the validity period has passed, your EPM Club is automatically dissociated from the Minecraft account. From this point on, you are no longer entitled to the exclusive benefits of the EPM Club. Unused exclusive benefits of the current validity period expire after expiry of the EPM Club validity.

Early entry "EPM 2025"

What is the "EPM 2025" project?

To mark our 10th anniversary, we will be celebrating the opening of a brand new version of the map in 2025. We would like to offer a sneak preview of our new creation by granting early access to the map to EPM Club Gold members before the official opening to the public.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that prior reservation is required to access this new version due to an automatic filtering system. EPM Club Gold holders will be notified of the login details on our Discord server.

Can't decide, or want to find out more?

You can find detailed information on the individual benefits, offers abd contract features on the respective detail pages for EPM Club, EPM Club Silver and EPM Club Gold and in the FAQ.